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Question 1-4:
refer to the following article.

Software manufacturer Compitec responds to consumer feedback
By Dwayne Cherry

April 5—At a press conference held yesterday afternoon, Compitec’s research and development director, Steve Reynolds, announeed that the company is to make sweeping changes to its word-processing software in light of negative customer feedback. Compitec released its latest version of the software, TypePro version 8.0, in January this year, hoping to gain a larger market share before rival company Digicom releases its product this July. — [1] —
According to reports, one of the fundamental concerns raised by users of the software was the lack of formatting options provided. Users reported that they were also frustrated by the limited number of font choices available, as well as their inability to change the size of the text. Many customers also reported not being able to insert pictures or other graphics into documents. — [2] — Finally, over 500 users took to Compitec’s Web site to express their disgust with printing problems. For example, printouts often appear in a completoy different format from what was displayed on-screen.
Reynolds said that developers are working “around the clock” to improve the 8.0 software. The company hopes version 8.01 will address all the issues that plagued version 8.0. — [3] — To do so, Director of Commercial Operations, Susan Torpey, also announced that all existing customers who have already purchased version 8.0 would receive a free copy of the updated product as a “token of goodwill.” — [4] — However, it remains to be seen whether this gesture can repair the damage done to the company’s reputation in the eyes of the public.
Question 1:
Who announced the change to the press?
A. The CEO of Compitec
B. Compitec’s head of R&D

Information is in "Compitec’s research and development director, Steve Reynolds, announeed that the company is to make sweeping changes to its word-processing software in light of negative customer feedback." 

C. The PR director of Digicom
D. Compitec’s lead product designer
Question 2:
What kind of change will the company likely introduce?
A. Enhanced video editing capabilities
B. Sharper screen resolution
C. Improved formatting functionality

Based on information "Compitec’s research and development director, Steve Reynolds, announeed that the company is to make sweeping changes to its word-processing software" , "one of the fundamental concerns raised by users of the software was the lack of formatting options provided. Users reported that they were also frustrated by the limited number of font choices available, as well as their inability to change the size of the text. Many customers also reported not being able to insert pictures or other graphics into documents."  => Choose C 

D. Simplified user interfaces
Question 3:
What is NOT a problem reported about TypePro version 8.0?
A. Errors in printed documents
B. Difficulty in resizing graphics

"Users reported that they were also frustrated by the limited number of font choices available, as well as their inability to change the size of the text." => Eliminate C & D

"Finally, over 500 users took to Compitec’s Web site to express their disgust with printing problems. For example, printouts often appear in a completoy different format from what was displayed on-screen." => Eliminate A

C. An inadequate variety of fonts
D. Inability to adjust font size
Question 4:
In which of the positions marked [1], [2], [3], and [4] does the following sentence best belong?
“Unfortunately, however, the move seems to have backfired on Compitec so far.”
A. [1]

A is correct because it can connect with the sentence "Compitec released its latest version of the software, TypePro version 8.0, in January this year, hoping to gain a larger market share before rival company Digicom releases its product this July."

B. [2]
C. [3]
D. [4]

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