Question 1-3:


M: Excuse me. I’m wondering if you stopped carrying Architecture Monthly.
W: No, we still have it. We get a new copy every month for patrons to check out.
M: Oh, really?
W: Yes. The magazines and newspapers are on the shelves in the west wing, organized in alphabetical order.
M: I’ve already checked those shelves. I had no success.
W: Hmm ... Maybe someone left it in the wrong place. Could you tell me which one you’re looking for?
M: The June issue, please.
W: I’ll check the study zone. Sometimes people leave their reading materials there. I’ll be right back.

Question 1:
Where does the woman work?
A. At a bookstore
B. At a library
C. At a newsstand
D. At an architecture firm
Question 2:
What does the man imply when he says, “I had no success”?
A. He was unable to place an order.
B. Some materials should be reorganized.
C. The west wing is currently closed.
D. A specific item couldn’t be found.
Question 3:
What is suggested about the facility?
A. It has rearranged its layout.
B. It has a special area for studying.
C. It has recently expanded.
D. It hosts monthly events.

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