Question 1-3:
practice toeic -

W: Hi, Adam. This is Tammy Locke. I heard you were in charge of our restaurant’s booth at last year’s food festival.
M: That’s right, I was.
W: The festival runs from Saturday, May 28, to Sunday, May 29. Would you be willing to work at the booth again this year?
M: Sure. It was a lot of fun last year. I’m free on Sunday morning.
W: Actually, I was hoping that you could cover my shift.
M: Well, I’m meeting a friend for coffee, but I’m confident that I can change those plans. I’ll check with him and call you back.

Question 1:
What is the purpose of the call?
A. To invite the man to a performance
B. To ask the man for planning advice
C. To thank the man for completing a task
D. To recruit the man for a special event
Question 2:
Look at the graphic. Which shift will the man work at the event?
A. Saturday morning
B. Saturday afternoon
C. Sunday morning
D. Sunday afternoon
Question 3:
What will the man probably do next?
A. Call a booth manager
B. Confirm with his friend
C. Send a copy of the schedule
D. Get a supervisor’s approval

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