Question 1-3:

W: Hi, Ben. It’s Diane. I was hoping for an update on the e-commerce training course.
M: Hi, Diane. Guess what? I managed to get Samuel Williamson to run a two-hour presentation about online marketing for it. It was a real challenge to track him down and get him to find time in his schedule for us, but I think it was worth the effort.
W: Wow, Ben. That’s incredible. I imagine it must have taken a great deal of work to get a specialist like Samuel Williamson. Since you did all of that, why don’t I talk to the head of accounting to get Mr. Williamson’s speaking fee approved? That will save you some time.

Question 1:
What does the woman ask the man about?
A. Software updates
B. A training session
C. A sales goal
D. Presentation slides
Question 2:
What did the man have difficulty doing?
A. Finding a venue
B. Motivating his team members
C. Staying within a budget
D. Booking an expert
Question 3:
What does the woman say she will do?
A. E-mail a document to the man
B. Set up a meeting room
C. Get approval for an expense
D. Work overtime hours

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