Question 1-3:


M: I’m here with Madison David, creator of the No-Spills plate for very young children. Tell us how you got your inspiration for this product.
W: As I watched my daughter learning to feed herself, I realized that I could make it easier for her and other children if I improved the design of the plate itself.
M: Your sale of over 200,000 units in the first year is impressive. Why do you think this has been such a success?
W: Mainly, I think the innovative marketing campaign we used was key. Having a useful product is not enough. You also need to make sure everyone knows about it.

Question 1:
What is the conversation mainly about?
A. Raising young children
B. A specially designed dish
C. A marketing strategy
D. Good places to eat
Question 2:
Where does the woman say her inspiration came from?
A. Watching her child eat
B. Visiting other manufacturers
C. Listening to investors’ advice
D. Taking a course in fine arts
Question 3:
According to the woman, what was a key factor in her success?
A. Making use of recyclable materials
B. Outsourcing product manufacturing
C. Having a creative marketing campaign
D. Running extensive tests on the product

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