Practice Para Completion Online Test 4 |

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Practice English - Exercises and tests

English Grammar And Vocabulary Exercises / Tests
The following page contains links to different English exercises. It includes mainly links to:
1. Grammar exercises:
- Tenses
- Clauses
- Other grammar points
2. Vocabulary exercises:
- Basic English vocabulary
- Thematic vocabulary
- Idioms
3. Global English tests.

You can find more to the lesson and more exercises. Practice English - Exercises and tests in here.

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  • Test content
    A. Delhi’s vehicular traffic, particularly private vehicles, is not the prime culprit.
    B. higher number of trips by autos and taxis and a larger presence of two-wheelers.
    C. absence of a properly functioning, predictable, integrated public transport system with efficient last-mile connectivity.
    D. a feeder system integrating the different forms of public transport, synchronized road management system, and improved pedestrian facilities.
    A. Much of India’s infrastructure is yet to be built.
    B. Such a business model would also align with broader goals of improving energy efficiency.
    C. A cost-effective pathway for this growing segment to transition to LEDs makes smart business and economic sense.
    D. That can be reduced to about 2 percent if LEDs are adopted across the board.
    A. We may well look back at the first year of the Islamic State and wax nostalgic about how comparatively placid it was.
    B. And yet it also offers a very specific, historically grounded identity.
    C. However, ISIS is not a state. States are part of the world that ISIS rejects.
    D. It has a 100-year plan for taking over the world and imposing its own version of Islamic orthodoxy.
    A. The renewed interest in improving employee engagement in organizations has originated from actions executives took during the recession.
    B. Engaged employees speak positively about their organizations to their co-workers, potential employees, and customers.
    C. Happy employees, for example, may gladly show up for work on most days, but that happiness does not necessarily translate into productivity and profitability
    D. Not all satisfied, emotionally invested professionals are engaged at the same level in an organization.
    A. Engaged employees feel emotionally connected to the organization, understand what it takes to help the organization succeed, and drive for that result.
    B. To achieve stronger bottom line results, it is essential that HR and talent leaders partner with business leaders to create and communicate a culture of engagement.
    C. Increasing an organization’s employee engagement and commitment can dramatically impact and fuel operational excellence, innovation, and the ability to compete.
    D. HR and talent management professionals should ensure communication plans are built into all employee engagement initiatives.
    A. Mindfulness has roots that go back 2,500 years and uses an anchor—often breathing—to center attention and to bring awareness to the present moment
    B. Physiological or biological stress is an organism’s response to a stressor such as an environmental condition
    C. One child was said to have lost all their eyelashes due to stress, while others worried about academic failure and some had to be comforted.
    D. In today’s work world, we face multiple stress inducing demands and pressures as well as constant connectivity through smart phones, social media, and tablet computers
    A. But if you’re looking to build resilient teams or entire organizations, it’s the resilience of all those relationships that may matter even more.
    B. But all isn’t lost; it simply means shifting our focus from developing resilient leaders toward developing collectively resilient groups.
    C. To succeed in this environment, organizations must be more adaptive and agile than ever before — they must be resilient
    D. Keep piling on ever bigger sales targets or changing mandates from on high, and eventually, even the most resilient individual is likely to break down.
    A. Employees have been taught to check their feelings at the door to focus on their work—to “compart-mentalize” their personal and professional selves
    B. Developing resilient leaders will help them better grasp and support the benefits of building resilience at all organizational levels.
    C. Each time a community meets—whether it is a team, a smaller working group or an entire division— the community leader should open with a few simple questions.
    D. Encourage employees to keep a running list of everything that is on their minds so they can get it off their minds.