Trivial Practice Quiz world - Test 76 |

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Here's the exercise 'Trivial Practice Quiz world - Test 76 |' about Trivia Quiz - Trivia Tests.

TRIVIAL is a trivia game divided into several categories to challenge your knowledge! Discover the new TRIVIAL adventure with thousands of questions, full of incredible news, COMPLETELY FREE! Learn by playing, explore each level and discover a world full of challenges, bonuses and surprises, with thousands of questions always updated! TRIVIAL shows a set of statistics for you to stay on track of your performance in the game and always try to improve your maximum!

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  • Test content
    A. Lex Duodecim Tabularum
    B. Lex Acilia Calpurnia
    C. Corpus Iuris Civilis
    D. Lex Fufia Caninia
    A. Code of Hammurabi
    B. Ur-Nammu
    C. Codex of Lipit-Ishtar of Isun
    D. Codex of Eshnunna
    A. Elysee Treaty
    B. Maastricht Treaty
    C. Treaty of Nice
    D. Treaty of Berlin
    A. Joseph Harrison
    B. Leon Gregory
    C. Frank Bolt
    D. Charles Copp
    A. September 17, 1947
    B. September 17, 1948
    C. September 18, 1948
    D. September 18, 1947