Trivial Practice Quiz animals - Test 87 |

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    A. All of these
    B. Their diet consists of 80% tree leaves.
    C. They are able to digest 40% of their food.
    D. They spend 8-10 hours a day eating.
    A. They have salivary glands.
    B. Their digestive tract secretes digestive enzymes.
    C. They have two antennae on their heads.
    D. All of these
    A. Green vegetation
    B. All of these
    C. Grains
    D. Seaweeds
    A. All of these
    B. It has teeth that it uses for mastication.
    C. It has four stomachs.
    D. It breaks down its food through bacterial fermentation.
    A. an animal that feeds on fruit
    B. an animal that feeds on seaweed
    C. an animal that feeds on grass
    D. an animal that feeds on tree leaves
    A. Animals that feed on buds
    B. All of these
    C. Animals that feed on seeds
    D. Animals that feed on fruit
    A. All of these
    B. Young iguanas are known to eat the feces of mature iguanas.
    C. Wild iguanas sometimes eat bird eggs.
    D. They are primarily herbivorous.
    A. It feeds mainly in the morning and before dusk.
    B. It consumes about 220 lb (100 kg) of food daily.
    C. All of these
    D. Its diet is rich in protein and poor in fiber.
    A. Europe and Africa
    B. South America and Africa
    C. Africa and Asia
    D. North and South America
    A. Jaguars gestation period is 93 - 105 days.
    B. Female jaguars reach maturity earlier than males.
    C. Both males and females provide parenting of the cubs.
    D. Jaguars mate throughout the whole year.
    A. Solitary
    B. Sociable
    C. Group animals
    D. None of these
    A. Starting to eat their prey from the fleshy abdominal area
    B. Stalking and ambushing their prey
    C. Chasing their prey
    D. Attacking humans
    A. They are not preyed on by other predators.
    B. They feed only on other predators.
    C. They do not hunt on other predators.
    D. Besides hunting they also feed on plants.