Critical Reasoning Online Test 5 |

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Here's the exercise 'Critical Reasoning Online Test 5 |' about Verbal Reasoning Quiz - Verbal Reasoning Tests.

Have you been asked to take a verbal reasoning test but not sure on what to expect? Need to boost your test performance score? What is a verbal reasoning test? A verbal reasoning test is used to assess your ability to understand and comprehend written passages. They are designed to measure your verbal comprehension, reasoning and logic, all through your understanding of language. Some people when reading a statement jump to conclusions or misinterpret information - this is what the test will be able to find out about you.

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    A. Highways are experiencing overcrowded traffic mainly because of sharp increases in car traffic
    B. Many drivers of trucks would rather buy trucks with a capacity of less than 8 tons than be excluded from highways.
    C. The number of collisions that occur near highways has reduced in recent years
    D. Trucks that have a capacity of more than 8 tons cause a disproportionately large number of collisions on highways
    A. Importing oil on tankers is currently less expensive than drilling for it offshore.
    B. Tankers can easily be redesigned so that their use entails less risk of an oil spill.
    C. The impact of offshore operations on the environment can be reduced by careful management.
    D. Oil spills caused by tankers have generally been more serious than those caused by offshore operations.
    A. All three types of households, urban, suburban, and rural, spend more of their income on housing than all other purchases combined.
    B. Rural households have lower housing and food costs than do either urban or suburban households.
    C. The median income of suburban and urban households is generally more than that of rural households.
    D. The average rural households include more people than does the average urban or suburban holds.
    A. Many sugar factories that are large consumers of sugarcane increase their production of sugarcane-based ethanol, yet their overall consumption of sugarcane decreased.
    B. Rainfall in sugarcane-growing regions was higher than it had been during previous year, allowing the growers to save money on expensive artificial irrigation.
    C. Sugarcane growers have saved money on wages by switching from paying labourers a daily wage to paying them by the amount harvested.
    D. Many small sugarcane growers joined together to form an association of sugarcane producers and began to buy supplies at low group rates.
    A. 2nd floors do not have lifts
    B. 7th floors have lifts
    C. Only floors above the 3rd floors have lifts
    D. All floors may be reached by lifts
    A. To call men intelligent who are not strikingly so must be to use the concept with undue imprecision
    B. Every empirical concept has a degree of vagueness
    C. Calling someone intelligent or not depends upon one's whim
    D. There is no need to be as indecisive as the writer of the above
    A. The poachers arrested in Zinbaku between 1970 and 1980 were rarely sentenced to long prison terms
    B. Because of highly publicized campaigns against the slaughter of elephants, demand for ivory fell between 1970 and 1980
    C. The elephant population in neighbouring Mombasa rose slightly between 1970 and 1980
    D. In Zinbaku, between 1970 and 1980, thousands of acres of forest, the elephant's natural habitat, were cleared for farming
    A. A group of Japanese researchers found that the successful work teams were led by dominant leaders
    B. University researchers found that there was a significant correlation between team productivity and the extent to which team members understood and complied with the group's objectives
    C. American researchers found that successful team members tended to rate their fellow members more favourably
    D. Industrial Psychologists of UK found that work groups who tended to participate in after-hours social activities were more productive
    A. The amount of dangerous toxins contained inwood smoke is much less than the amount contained in an equal volume of automobile exhaust.
    B. Within the jurisdiction covered by the proposed legislation, most heating and cooking is done with oil or natural gas.
    C. Smoke produced by coal-burning stoves is significantly more toxic than smoke from wood-burning stoves
    D. In valleys where wood is used as the primary heating fuel, the concentration of smoke results in poor air quality.