Question Tags Test (1) | B2 – Upper-Intermediate

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Here's the exercise 'Question Tags Test (1) | B2 – Upper-Intermediate' about B2 – Upper-Intermediate. It's practise the B2 – Upper-Intermediate.

You can find more to the lesson and more exercises. B2 – Upper-Intermediate, English grammar in here.

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    A. could she
    B. can't she
    C. is she
    D. _
    A. was she
    B. isn't she
    C. could she
    D. _
    A. isn't he
    B. could he
    C. has he
    D. _
    A. isn't she
    B. is she
    C. shouldn't she
    D. _
    A. won't you
    B. does you
    C. don't you
    D. _
    A. are they
    B. aren't there
    C. are there
    D. _
    A. can't we
    B. could they
    C. can we
    D. _
    A. do they
    B. have they
    C. haven't they
    D. _