Practice Quiz 92 | C1 – Advanced

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    A. Mr. Brown said that they had a great time there.
    B. Mr. Brown said that they had been having a great time there.
    C. Mr. Brown said that they were having a great time there.
    A. will started
    B. will have started
    C. will be started
    A. My mother asked me whether I enjoyed learning English there.
    B. My mother asked me if I enjoy learning English there.
    C. My mother asked me if I have enjoyed learning English there.
    A. The officer asked me if they persuaded her to do it.
    B. The officer asked me if they had persuaded her to do it.
    C. The officer asked me if they did persuaded herself to do it.
    A. The lady asked me if it will depend on him.
    B. The lady asked me if it would depend on him.
    C. The lady asked me if it depended on him.
    A. The policeman asked me who is following her.
    B. The policeman asked me who has been following her.
    C. The policeman asked me who had been following her.
    A. inspiring
    B. inspired
    C. disinspiring
    A. disunderstood
    B. misunderstood
    C. inunderstood
    A. inreliable
    B. disreliable
    C. unreliable
    A. surprising
    B. unsurprising
    C. dissurprising
    A. enjoyed
    B. enthusiastic
    C. enthusiasm
    A. stictment
    B. striction
    C. strictness
    A. painting
    B. painted
    C. paint
    A. be recommended
    B. recommending
    C. being recommended
    A. trust
    B. trusted
    C. trusting
    A. be finished
    B. finish
    C. to finish
    A. should has been written
    B. should had been written
    C. should have been written
    A. The poor
    B. Poor
    C. The poors
    A. absolute
    B. absoluting
    C. absolutely