Question 1-4:
practice toeic -
Question 1:
What is mostly being discussed?
A. Working with Whitewater Consulting
B. How to improve the company’s performance
C. Opinions regarding a presentation

Based on information "That was an interesting demonstration by Ms.Sanders just now. How about providing me with your immediate thoughts, both good and bad?", "I don't think her firm can help ours.", "I liked what she had to say."  => Choose C 

D. The importance of foreign and domestic markets
Question 2:
How does Mr. Daniels feel about the presentation?
A. It proved his company can break into foreign markets.
B. It convinced him that Whitewater Consulting should be hired.
C. It explained the problems of selling goods domestically.
D. It showed how Whitewater Consulting can help his firm.

Information is inferred from "Whitewater Consulting has assisted lots of startups in getting their products into foreign markets. So they've sold huge numbers of products and increased their revenues." 

Question 3:
At 10:59 A.M., what does Ms. McCartney mean when she writes, “I think I see where you’re going with this”?
A. She has to go to a meeting with Ms. Patrick.
B. She knows what Ms. Patrick will write next.

Based on the sentences "But the point is that Whitewater helps firms in foreign markets, not domestic ones.", "We're not trying to break into any foreign markets."  => Choose B 

C. She is going to attend a presentation soon.
D. She wants Ms. Patrick to provide more details.
Question 4:
What does Ms. Patrick suggest about Ms. Sanders?
A. Ms. Sanders made a mistake by ignoring the U.S. market.

Information is inferred from "But her lack of focus on the U.S. shows she either didn't want to discuss Whitewater's performance here or hadn't prepared properly."

B. Ms. Sanders’s presentation brought up some valid points.
C. Ms. Sanders’s company should be able to help hers.
D. Ms. Sanders needs to clarify some arguments she made.

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